See also Papers and presentations produced by the project
Latest articles on practical digital preservation |
This is an external feed. Not all entries will appear in the classified bibliography |
Authoritative papers on key developments and practical applications for
digital preservation, viewed through the prism of the Preserv project, which is
concerned with preservation services for content from institutional
repositories. Chronological by section.
Sections Preservation and institutional
repositories | File formats
(including Significant properties and representation) |
OAIS (including Archive Ingest and Handling Test
(AIHT)) | Preservation
metadata | Packaging metadata (inc. METS) | OAI and preservation harvesting | Trusted digital repositories | Business models, costs, lifecycle,
workflow, policy | Users | Tools (inc. migration, emulation,
storage management, identifiers), including Bit-level storage | Practical applications/architectures
| Electronic journal archiving
| Legal issues | General digital preservation
Last updated 30 September 2009, by
Steve Hitchcock
This is the classified edition. All of the papers listed here should be freely
accessible, i.e. open access, from the links provided.
Send additions, updates, corrections, comments to sh94r@ecs.soton.ac.uk
The most recent entries in this bibliography are displayed in the right-hand column.
See also the complementary KeepIt
bibliography covering preservation of repositories by different data types,
including arts, data, science and teaching materials.
Latest additions
Schonfeld, Roger C. and Ross Housewright, What to Withdraw? Print
Collections Management in the Wake of Digitization, Ithaka S+R, September 29,
Considers the evaluation of journal digitisation programmes in the context
of library collection management, print preservation and, less directly,
digital preservation
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen, Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the
Future of the Academy, 26 Sep 2009, forthcoming from NYU Press
Here 'obsolescence' is not as specific as software or format obsloescence,
being concerned with broader issues of text and the evaluation of scholarship
and authorship, but there is a full section on digital preservation
Grace, Stephen, Enhanced Ingest to Digital e-research Repositories: final
report, Project Report, JISC Information Environment Repository, 22 Sep 2009
From the abstract/conclusion: "The project developed a demonstrator that
implemented an enhanced deposit and ingest process to a digital repository
based on Fedora. The process incorporates the SWORD API for deposit, and
accepts deposits that contain multiple files (packaged as a zip file). The
workflow performs preservation actions (e.g. capturing PREMIS metadata, format
migration), extraction of resource discovery metadata (for text-based formats
such as PDF, MS Word, HTML), and capture of publisher self-archiving policies
(for post-prints). ... The prototype developed by the project demonstrated the
utility of our approach; however, the resulting software is not (nor was it
intended to be) of production quality."
Steinhart, Gail, Dianne Dietrich, and Ann Green, Establishing Trust in a
Chain of Preservation: The TRAC Checklist Applied to a Data Staging Repository
(DataStaR), D-Lib Magazine, 15 (9/10), September/October 2009
Knight, Gareth, Developing Services for Archiving and Preservation in a
Distributed Environment (SHERPA DP2) Final Report, JISC Information Environment
Repository, 06 Sep 2009
Davies, Richard, Lifecycle Information for e-Literature (LIFE2) Final
Report, JISC Information Environment Repository, 04 Sep 2009
Hitchcock, Steve, Tarrant, David and Carr, L Towards repository preservation
services: Final report from the JISC Preserv 2 project, JISC Information
Environment Repository, 13 Aug 2009
Angevaare, Inge (Ed.), A Future for our Digital Memory: permanent access to
information in the Netherlands NCDD – Netherlands Coalition for Digital
Preservation Interim report - summary in English. Dutch report 1 July 2009;
English summary 1 September 2009
Rossi, Christian, From distribution to preservation of digital documents,
E-LIS, 27 Jun 2009
Good non-technical explanation and
contextualisation of the technical layers that characterise the digital
preservation problem
Marcum, Deanna B. Preservation in the Digital Age, a Moral and Legal
Obligation, ETD 2009 12th International
Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Pittsburgh, June
10-13, 2009
Dappert, Angela and Farquhar, Adam, Significance is in the Eye of the
Stakeholder, PLANETS project, 8th June 2009, in ECDL, Corfu, September 2009, to
Barbedo, Francisco, Castro, Rui, Corujo, Luis, Faria, Luis, Ferreira,
Miguel, Henriques, Cecilia, Ramalho, Jose Carlos, RODA - A Service-Oriented
Repository to Preserve Authentic Digital Objects, SMARTech repository at
Georgia Tech, from OR09, 20-May-2009
Brody, Tim, Carr, Leslie, and Tarrant, David, From the Desktop to the Cloud:
Leveraging Hybrid Storage Architectures in Your Repository, SMARTech repository
at Georgia Tech, from OR09, 19-May-2009
Lowe, David and Michael J. Bennett, A Status Report on JPEG 2000
Implementation for Still Images: The UConn Survey, DigitalCommons@UConn, 2009,
in Society of Imaging Science and
Technology's Archiving 2009 Conference, Arlington, VA, May 7, 2009
Tarrant, David, Ben O’Steen, Tim Brody, Steve Hitchcock, Neil
Jefferies and Leslie Carr, Using OAI-ORE to Transform Digital Repositories into
Interoperable Storage and Services Applications, Code4Lib Journal, Issue 6, 2009-03-30
Aschenbrenner, Andreas, Tobias Blanke, Mark Hedges, David Flanders and Ben
O'Steen, The Future of Repositories? Patterns for (Cross-)Repository
Architectures, D-Lib Magazine, Volume
14 Number 11/12, November/December 2008
Not strictly on preservation, but among its
broader repository architectures and services themes the paper neatly weaves in
some of the themes Preserv is exploring. A fascinating view that demands
careful reading. At times the paper gets a little ahead of itself in suggesting
that certain capabilities have been realised, but even in its anticipation it
is leading in the right direction.
Haber, Stuart, Kamat, Pandurang and Kamineni, Kiran, A content integrity
service for digital repositories, HP Laboratories, HPL-2008-177, October 21,
Hitchcock, Steve, David Tarrant, Adrian Brown, Ben O’Steen, Neil
Jefferies and Leslie Carr, Towards smart storage for repository preservation
services, iPRES 2008 Fifth International Conference on Preservation of
Digital Objects, London, 29-30th September 2008
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
also in ECS EPrints, Southampton University, 13 Oct 2008 http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/16785/
Ramalho, Jose Carlos, Miguel Ferreira, Luis Faria, Rui Castro, Francisco
Barbedo, and Luis Corujo, RODA and Crib: A Service-Oriented Digital Repository,
iPRES 2008 Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital
Objects, London, 29-30th September 2008
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
"One of the highlights (of iPres 2008) for me ... describe(s) the
preservation solution developed as part of the RODA and CRiB projects: a
service oriented preservation approach to dealing with repository information
using the concept of significant properties … ahhh, music to the ears!
All up and running and being used by the Portuguese National Archives." Neil
Grindley, JISC Information Environment Team blog, 2 October 2008
Sierman, Barbara, Long Term Preservation for repositories, in A DRIVER's Guide to European Repositories: Five
studies of important Digital Repository related issues and good
practices, Kasja Weenink, Leo Waaijers and Karen van Godtsenhoven (eds),
Amsterdam University Press/Surf/EU-Driver, 16 January 2008, 153-184
General coverage of preservation and, apart
from a couple of short sections, appears not to be very specific to
Agnew, Grace, and Yang Yu, The Rutgers Workflow Management System: Migrating
a Digital Object Management Utility to Open Source, The Code4Lib Journal, issue 1, 2007-12-17
Describes a workflow-ingest tool for a Fedora
Brody, Tim, Leslie Carr, Jessie M.N. Hey, Adrian Brown, Steve Hitchcock,
PRONOM-ROAR: Adding Format Profiles to a Repository Registry to Inform
Preservation Services, International Journal
of Digital Curation, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2007
Carr, Les, EPrints and the Sun Storagetek 5800 System, A Persistent,
Scalable and Interoperable Solution (pdf 9pp), Sun Microsystems White Paper,
November 2007
Sketches some initial architectures and
considers the practical implementation of this Sun storage system with an
EPrints repository. "At the most superficial level, simply having easy access
to that quantity of storage can revolutionise the use to which repositories can
be put"
Grant, Carl, Delivering Digital Repositories with Open Solutions (pdf 21pp),
Sun Microsystems White Paper, Version 8.0, November 2007
Treloar, Andrew, David Groenewegen and Cathrine Harboe-Ree, The Data
Curation Continuum: Managing Data Objects in Institutional Repositories, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 9/10,
September/October 2007
Comment from Caveat Lector blog, 18 September
2007: "I cannot express how blown away I am with the strikingly intelligent
pragmatism (the authors frm Monash University) display"
Patel, Manjula and Simon Coles, A study of Curation and Preservation Issues
in the eCrystals Data Repository and Proposed Federation, JISC eBank-UK
Project, Final Version (Revised), 7th September 2007
An impressive report that takes a proactive
and rigorous, enquiring approach to identify the key issues. What's important
is that it engages the repository view, and real scenarios, with the
preservation view.
Smith, MacKenzie, and Reagan W. Moore, Digital Archive Policies and Trusted
Digital Repositories, International Journal
of Digital Curation, Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2007
This might have been included in the Trusted
Digital Repositories section of this bibliography, but is included here because
if details (in a quite technical way) important aspects of the interface
between a repository (here called a 'digital archive') and a preservation
service (here referred to as a preservation system)
Knight, Gareth, and Mark Hedges, Modelling OAIS Compliance for Disaggregated
Preservation Services, International Journal
of Digital Curation, Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2007
Bradley, Kevin, Junran Lei and Chris Blackall, Towards an Open Source
Archival Repository and Preservation System, UNESCO Memory of the World
Programme and Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR), June
"Recommendations on the Implementation of an
Open Source Digital Archival and Preservation System and on Related Software
Development." Focus seems to be museums and cultural heritage, so not
necessarily the type of content found in IRs. The software examined includes
DSpace, Fedora and Greenstone.
Hitchcock, Steve, Tim Brody, Jessie M.N. Hey and Leslie Carr, Digital
Preservation Service Provider Models for Institutional Repositories: Towards
Distributed Services, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 5/6, May/June 2007
Comment from Caveat Lector blog, 16 May 2007:
"a fine article on preservation vis-�-vis institutional repositories."
Hirtle, Peter B., Copyright Keeps Open Archives and Digital Preservation
Separate, RLG DigiNews, April 15, 2007
Hitchcock, Steve, Jessie Hey, Tim Brody and Leslie Carr, Laying the
Foundations for Repository Preservation Services, Final report from the JISC
Preserv project, JISC, 7 March 2007
Knight, Gareth, Recommendations to ensure the long-term preservation of
digital objects stored by institutional repositories (pdf 11pp) Sherpa-DP
project report, 28 February 2007
Hockx-Yu, Helen, Digital preservation in the context of institutional
repositories, E-LIS, 06 October 2006, also in Program: Electronic Library and Information
Systems, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2006, 232-243
Curtis, Joseph, AONS System Documentation, Australian Partnership for
Sustainable Repositories, The Australian National University, Revision 169
2006-09-29, September 2006
"AONS (Automated Obsolescence Notification
System) is a system to analyse digital repositories and determine whether any
digital objects contained therein may be in danger of becoming obsolescent. It
uses perservation information about file formats and the software which
supports these formats to determine if the formats used by digital objects are
in danger."
Wilczek, Eliot and Kevin Glick, Fedora and the Preservation of University
Records Project: Reports and Findings, Tufts University and Yale University,
Final Narrative Report to National Historical Publications and Records
Commission, September 27, 2006
see also
Glick, Kevin and Eliot Wilczek, Fedora and the Preservation of University
Records Project, RLG DigiNews, Volume
10, Number 5, 15 October 2006
Strictly, this report is about preserving
university records rather than about IRs and research papers, but Fedora has
recently been adapted to act as an IR and much of this report has relevance to
its preservation capabilities in that context. The RLG DigiNews version can be
read as a summary of the full report above.
Ferreira, Miguel, Ana Alice Baptista and Jos� Carlos Ramalho, A Foundation
for Automatic Digital Preservation, Ariadne, Issue 48, 30-July-2006
Describes a preservation service architecture
that could in principle use a combination of service providers and Web service
agents. There is no evaluation here to show how effective this approach
see also Lee et al., APSR PREMIS Requirement Statement Project Report, July 2006, in Preservation Metadata section below
Allinson, Julie, OAIS as a reference model for repositories: an evaluation
(pdf 17pp), UKOLN, University of Bath, July 2006
Goodyear, Marilu, and Richard Fyffe, Institutional Repositories: An
Opportunity for CIO Campus Impact, EDUCAUSE Review, Vol. 41, No. 2,
March/April 2006, 10–11
"On most campuses, repository programs
already involve librarians, archivists, records managers, and institutional
administrators. It is important that the chief information officer (CIO) see
(and seize) the opportunity presented by a new IR program to demonstrate how
the security and control provided by central infrastructure (secure hardware,
campus networks, data centers, etc.) contribute to the long-term preservation
of access to and usability of these important campus assets."
Hitchcock, Steve, Tim Brody, Jessie M.N. Hey and Leslie Carr, Preservation
for Institutional Repositories: practical and invisible. Ensuring Long-term
Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical data (PV 2005),
Edinburgh, UK
Knight, Gareth, An OAIS compliant model for Disaggregated services,
SHERPA-DP Report, version 1.1, 5/09/2005
An early model-based, rather than evidence-
or experience-based analysis. The Introduction and Figs 5 (detailed view of a
disaggregated OAIS-compliant model) and 6 (workflow) provide a reasonable
starting point for the relationship between IRs and preservation service
providers, but experience will bring more complexity and more clarity
Prudlo, Marion, E-Archiving: An Overview of Some Repository Management
Software Tools, Ariadne, Issue 43,
30-April-2005 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue43/prudlo/intro.html
Disconnected coverage of archiving,
preservation, LOCKSS, Eprints and Dspace, i.e. effectively standalone sections
on the latter three
Aschenbrenner, Andreas and Max Kaiser, White Paper on Digital Repositories,
reUSE project, March 2005 (pdf 90pp)
Bradley, Kevin, APSR Sustainability Issues Discussion Paper, Australian
Partnership for Sustainable Repositories - National Library of Australia, 28
January 2005
Broad ranging agenda, more the first word (by
APSR) than the last word
Wheatley, Paul, Institutional Repositories in the Context of Digital
Preservation (pdf 19pp), Digital Preservation Coalition, Technology Watch
Series Report 04-02, March 2004
see erpaAssessment of this paper
James, Hamish; Ruusalepp, Raivo; Anderson, Sheila; Pinfield, Stephen,
Feasibility and Requirements Study on Preservation of E-Prints (pdf 69pp) ,
JISC, October 29, 2003
Major sections on file formats, preservation
metadata and cost models, and describes a core set of non-functional
requirements that would make IRs 'trusted' based on RLG-OCLC criteria and OAIS,
and recommends that preservation tasks might be outsourced to specialist
support services
see also
Pinfield, Stephen; James, Hamish, The Digital Preservation of e-Prints, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9 No. 9, September,
Counters the Harnad view, that preservation
should not be a priority for eprints, with its own rhetoric that raises
questions about preservation but doesn't get to grips or answer any of its own
M�er, Eva, Uwe Klosa, Peter Hansson, Stefan Andersson, Archiving Workflow
between a Local Repository and the National Archive: Experiences from the DiVA
Project (11pp), ECDL conference, Trondheim, August 2003
Wheatley, Paul, A way forward for developments in the digital preservation
functions of DSpace: options, issues and recommendations, 25th July 2003
Not about DSpace but a discussion document
about preservation features that could be considered for inclusion at that
Lynch, Clifford A., Institutional repositories: essential infrastructure for
scholarship in the digital age. ARL Bimonthly
Report, No. 226, February 2003
Not about preservation, but it's a common
refrain in this treatise about the institution's commitment to stewardship,
including preservation, that an IR implies. Mentions idea of "federating"
institutional repositories, e.g. swaps of storage between institutional
repositories to gain geographic and systems diversity in pursuit of backup,
preservation, and disaster recovery
Tansley, R., Bass, M. and Smith, M., DSpace as an Open Archival Information
System: Current Status and Future Directions, Proceedings of Research and Advanced Technology for
Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003, Trondheim,
Norway, August 2003, LNCS 2769
(Springer Verlag), pp. 446-460
(abstract only)
or see ppt slides version
Bass, Michael J., David Stuve, R. Tansley, Margret Branschofsky, Peter
Breton, P. Carmichael, Bill Cattey, Dan Chudnov and J. Ng, DSpace Internal
Reference Specification, Technology & Architecture, MIT, Hewlett-Packard,
Day, Michael, E-print Services and Long-term Access to the Record of
Scholarly and Scientific Research, Ariadne, Issue 28, 22-June-2001
see erpaAssessment of this article
see also
erpaAssessments, Project Abstract: DSpace, 17.01.2003
Abrams, Stephen, Sheila Morrissey, Tom Cramer, Next-Generation JHOVE2
Architecture for Format-Aware Characterization, iPRES 2008 Fifth
International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, London,
29-30th September 2008
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
also at http://confluence.ucop.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3932229
Chute, Ryan and Herbert Van de Sompel, Introducing djatoka: A Reuse
Friendly, Open Source JPEG 2000 Image Server, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 14 No. 9/10,
September/October 2008
Pearson, David, and Colin Webb, Defining File Format Obsolescence: A Risky
Journey, International Journal of Digital
Curation, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2008), announced August 2008
About AONS II (Automatic Obsolescence
Notification System)
Buonora, Paolo, and Franco Liberati, A Format for Digital Preservation of
Images: A Study on JPEG 2000 File Robustness, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 14 No. 7/8, July/August
Ribera Turr�, Mireia, Is the PDF format accessible? E-LIS, 08 May 2008
Fanning, Betsy A., Preserving the Data Explosion: Using PDF, Digital
Preservation Coalition, Technology Watch Report 08-02, April 2008 (pdf 27pp)
"Using PDF/A as a standard will help
information officers ensure that key business data survives. But it should
never be viewed as the Holy Grail. It is merely a tool in the armoury of a well
thought out records management policy.“ Adrian Brown, DPC press
"I wish a little more attention had been paid to the writing, which is messy in
places, but there's a lot of useful information there." Gary McGath, File
Formats Blog, April 25, 2008,
Rog, Judith and Caroline van Wijk, Evaluating File Formats for Long-term
Preservation (pdf 11pp), Koninklijke Bibliotheek, February 2008
Buckley, Robert, JPEG 2000 - a Practical Digital Preservation Standard?
Digital Preservation Coalition, Technology Watch Report 08-01, February 2008
(pdf 28pp)
Abrams,Stephen, File Formats, instalment of DCC, Digital Curation Manual
Version 1.0, October 2007
Ditch, Walter, XML-based Office Document Standards, version 1.0, JISC
Techwatch report, August 2007
Vitale, Tim, Digital Image File Formats – TIFF, JPEG, JPEG2000, RAW
and DNG (pdf 45pp), Version 20, July 2007
Sefton, Peter, An integrated approach to preparing, publishing, presenting
and preserving theses (pdf 24pp), ETD 2007 added values to e-theses: 10th
International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Uppsala,
Sweden, 13-16 June 2007
Describes the Integrated Content Environment
for research and scholarship (ICE-RS).
Rauch, Carl, Harald Krottmaier and Klaus Tochtermann, File-Formats for
Preservation: Evaluating the Long-Term Stability of File-Formats, ELPUB2007, Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Electronic Publishing, Vienna, edited by Leslie Chan and
Bob Martens, 13-15 June 2007, pp. 101-106
Barnes, Ian, The Digital Scholar's Workbench, ELPUB2007, Openness in Digital Publishing:
Awareness, Discovery and Access - Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Electronic Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 13-15 June 2007,
edited by Leslie Chan and Bob Martens, pp. 285-296
Knight, Gareth, File format typing and format registries (pdf 10pp),
Sherpa-DP project report, 2 March 2007
Among others, covers PRONOM, PRONOM
Persistent Unique Identifier and DROID. "it is recommended the AHDS
Preservation Service use JHOVE to generate technical information and consider
the implementation of a format registry when they provide functionality, such
as obsolescence monitoring that is unavailable in a repository-level
Peters McLellan, Evelyn, Selecting Digital File Formats for Long-Term
Preservation (pdf 26pp), InterPARES 2, General Study 11, Final Report, December
4, 2006 (revised March 13, 2007)
Gladney comment, Digital Document Quarterly,
Vol. 7 No. 3, 3Q2008 http://home.pacbell.net/hgladney/ddq_7_3.htm#_edn4
Barnes, Ian, Preservation of TeX/LaTeX Documents (pdf 16pp), Australian
Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Australian National University, 21
July 2006
Barnes, Ian, The Preservation of Word Processing Documents (pdf 19pp),
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Australian National
University, 14 July 2006
Rog, Judith, PDF Guidelines: Recommendations for the Creation of PDF Files
for Long-term Preservation and Access. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, version 1.4, 14
July 2006
Donnelly, Martin, JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment (JHOVE),
Digital Curation Centre Case Studies and Interviews, March 2006 (pdf 21pp)
Brown, Adrian, The PRONOM PUID Scheme: A scheme of persistent unique
identifiers for representation information, The National Archives, Digital
Preservation Technical Paper: 2, 10 November 2005 (pdf 9pp)
Phelps, Thomas A. and P.B. Watry, A No-Compromises Architecture for Digital
Document Preservation, Proceedings of the 9th
European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
(ECDL 2005), Vienna, September 18-23, 2005
Brown, Adrian, Automatic Format Identification Using PRONOM and DROID, The
National Archives, Digital Preservation Technical Paper: 1, 17 September 2005
(pdf 30pp)
Arms, Caroline R. and Carl Fleischhauer, Digital Formats: Factors for
Sustainability, Functionality, and Quality (pdf 6pp)
2005-04-29, also presented at Second IS&T
Archiving Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2005
see also the authors' ongoing resource Sustainability of Digital Formats
Planning for Library of Congress Collections
Brown, Adrian, Automating Preservation: New Developments in the PRONOM
Service, RLG DigiNews, Volume 9,
Number 2, April 15
Stanescu, A., Assessing the Durability of Formats in a Digital Preservation
Environment: The INFORM Methodology, D-Lib
Magazine, Volume 10 Number 11, November 2004
on the OCLC INFORM methodology
Christensen, Niels H., Towards format repositories for web archives, 4th International Web Archiving Workshop
(IWAW04), August 2004
Clausen, Lars, Handling File Formats, May 2004
Holdsworth, David, and Paul Wheatley, Long-Term Stewardship of Globally-Distributed Representation Information, 12th NASA Goddard/21st IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, Adelphi, MD, April 13-16, 2004 (pdf 13pp) http://romulus.gsfc.nasa.gov/msst/conf2004/Papers/MSST2004-03-Holdsworth-a.
LeFurgy, William G., PDF/A: Developing a File Format for Long-Term
Preservation, RLG DigiNews, 7(6), 15
December 2003
see comments: Current Cites, Dec 2003; Crawford, Cites & Insights, July
2004 http://cites.boisestate.edu/civ4i9.pdf, page 17
Darlington, Jeffrey, PRONOM - A Practical Online Compendium of File Formats,
RLG DigiNews, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 15, 2003
Abrams, Stephen L. and Seaman, David, Towards a Global Digital Format
Registry, World Library and Information
Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council, 1-9 August, 2003,
Brown, Adrian, Graphics File Formats, The National Archives, Digital
Preservation Guidance Note: 4, 9 July 2003 (pdf 14pp)
Brown, Adrian, Selecting File Formats for Long-Term Preservation, The
National Archives, Digital Preservation Guidance Note: 1, 19 June 2003 (pdf
M�ller, Eva, Uwe Klosa, Peter Hansson, Stefan Andersson, Erik Siira, Using
XML for Long-term Preservation, ETD 2003: 6th
International Conference on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Berlin,
21-24 May 2003
Wheatley, Paul, Survey and assessment of sources of information on file
formats and software documentation (pdf 48pp), The Representation and Rendering
Project, Final Report, JISC, 2003
Phelps, Thomas A. and Robert Wilensky, The Multivalent Browser: A Platform
for New Ideas, Proceedings of Document
Engineering 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2001
on the Multivalent Browser
Ockerbloom, John Mark, Archiving and Preserving PDF Files, RLG DigiNews, Vol. 5, No. 1, February 15,
Lawrence, Gregory, et al., Risk Management
of Digital Information: A File Format Investigation. Washington, D.C.:
Council on Library and Information Resources, June 2000
Ockerbloom, John, Mediating Among Diverse Data Formats: Thesis Summary (pdf
14pp), January 14, 1998
on the Typed Object Model (TOM)
see also
Liu, Xiaoming, Lyudmila Balakireva, Patrick Hochstenbach and Herbert Van de
Sompel, File-based storage of Digital Objects and constituent datastreams:
XMLtapes and Internet Archive ARC files, ArXiv, Computer Science,
cs.DL/0503016, 3 Jun 2005, presented at ECDL 2005
concatenating XML-based representations of
multiple Digital Objects into a single file named an XMLtape
Burner, Mike, and Brewster Kahle, Arc File Format, Version 1.0, September
15, 1996
An archival format rather than authored file
format. ARC format is used by Internet Archive to store data. It seems to be
concerned with efficient management and storage of large volumes of data and
many files rather than more specialised preservation concerns, e.g. format
viability and migration
see also
PRONOM http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pronom/
JHOVE (JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment)
DFDL - Grid Forum Data Format Description Language
to define an XML-based language for describing the structure of binary and
character encoded (ASCII/Unicode) files and data streams so that their format,
structure, and metadata can be exposed
Significant properties is not just related to formats, but properties tend
to be classified by object types and a major part of this is formats. Similarly
for representation information, which is why this subsection is included here.
Strictly, formats could be seen as a subset of both, so this should be the
major section with formats as a subsection. As can be seen above, however, the
volume of literature on formats dominates, hence the inversion.
Brown, Adrian, Representation Information Registries, Planets project, White
Paper, 29 January 2008
Comment from Digital Curation Blog, 14 April
2008 "contains the best discussion on representation information I have
Knight, Gareth (contributors: Stephen Grace, Lynne Montague), Framework for
the definition of significant properties, version: V1 (pdf 49pp), AHDS, InSPECT
Project Document, 05/02/2008
Coyne, Mike, David Duce, Bob Hopgood, George Mallen and Mike Stapleton, The
Significant Properties of Vector Images, JISC Digital Preservation Programme
report, v4.3, 27.11.07 (pdf 74pp)
Examines, and recommends, WebCGM, SVG 1.1 and
PDF/A be used as the archival formats for 2D vector graphics
Wilson, Andrew, Significant Properties Report, V2 (pdf 10pp), AHDS, InSPECT
Work Package 2.2, 10/04/2007
For origins of Significant Properties see
discussion of: Significant Properties workshop, Digital Curation Blog,
26 March 2008
Ockerbloom, John Mark, What repositories do: The OAIS model,
Everybody’s Libraries blog, October 13, 2008
Salo comment: My favorite distillation (of OAIS)
(slide 51)
see also
Allinson, Julie, OAIS as a reference model for
repositories: an evaluation, July 2006
Egger, Alexander, Shortcomings of the Reference Model for an Open Archival
Information System (OAIS), TCDL
Bulletin (IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries), Volume 2,
Issue 2, 2006
Beedham, Hilary, Julie Missen, Matt Palmer and Raivo Ruusalepp, Assessment
of UKDA and TNA compliance with OAIS and METS standards, JISC study, 2005
Practical examples of OAIS application
Lavoie, Brian F., Introduction to OAIS, Digital Preservation Coalition,
Technology Watch Series Report 04-01, January 2004 (pdf 20pp)
The OAIS Reference Model, section 4B in Digital Preservation Management:
Implementing Short-Term Strategies for Long-Term Problems, Cornell University,
September 2003
Excellent tutorial
Gladney, H., Use and Misuse of OAIS, Digital Document Quarterly, Vol. 1, No.
3, 3Q2002
DDQ is Gladney's personal newsletter and
viewpoint: "The more I considered how OAIS was used in digital preservation
articles, the more it puzzled me. I could not firmly determine whether the
authors, who mostly were Research Library Group affiliates, viewed OAIS as an
ontology or were planning to use it as an architecture. ... .What’s
missing is an architecture."
Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) (pdf 148 pp),
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS 650.0-B-1, Blue Book,
Issue 1, January 2002, adopted as ISO 14721:2003
Lavoie, Brian, Meeting the challenges of digital preservation: The OAIS
reference model, originally in the OCLC
Newsletter, No. 243:26-30 (January/February 2000)
Introduction to OAIS
The AIHT reveals important practical experience, although there are some differences with anticipated preservation service models for IRs. For example, in AIHT:
Abrams, Stephen, Stephen Chapman, Dale Flecker, Sue Kreigsman, Julian
Marinus, Gary McGath, and Robin Wendler, Harvard's Perspective on the Archive
Ingest and Handling Test, D-Lib
Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005
By the creators of JHOVE, makes a point
about versioning of format ID tools: "'These discrepancies (between versions of
JHOVE) point out the importance of standardizing on processing tools and
criteria for format well-formedness and validity."
DiLauro, Tim, Mark Patton, David Reynolds, and G. Sayeed Choudhury, The
Archive Ingest and Handling Test: The Johns Hopkins University Report, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 12, December
Concerned with ingest into Fedora and
DSpace-based archival stores
Nelson, Michael L., Johan Bollen, Giridhar Manepalli, and Rabia Haq, Archive
Ingest and Handling Test: The Old Dominion University Approach, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 12, December
The only non-library to participate in the
AIHT and 'instead, our focus was on alternative archiving concepts'. This is
chiefly notable for its use of MPEG-21 DIDL instead of METS: "If we could
assume cooperation on the part of the web site maintainer, then the easiest
thing for them to do is to install mod_oai, an Apache module that streams out
web site contents using the OAI-PMH and complex object formats such as MPEG-21
DIDL. mod_oai essentially converts web sites into OAIS DIPs."
Anderson, Richard, Hannah Frost, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, and Keith Johnson,
The AIHT at Stanford University: Automated Preservation Assessment of
Heterogeneous Digital Collections, D-Lib
Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 12, December 2005
Concerned with file format assessment. One
comment stands out: "until it becomes common practice to integrate digital
stewardship and preservation concerns into the entire digital content lifecycle
- especially front-end content creation - most digital preservation workflows
intended to be inclusive will be reactive instead of prescriptive."
Guenther, Rebecca S., Battle of the Buzzwords: Flexibility vs.
Interoperability When Implementing PREMIS in METS, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 14 No. 7/8, July/August
PREMIS Data Dictionary for
Preservation Metadata, version 2.0, PREMIS (PREservation Metadata:
Implementation Strategies) Preservation Metadata Maintenance Activity, April
This publication includes the PREMIS Introduction, the Data Dictionary, and
Data Dictionary Entity Hierarchical Listing, which are also available as
separate documents
Lavoie, Brian F., PREMIS With a Fresh Coat of Paint: Highlights from the
Revision of the PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, D-Lib
Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 5/6, May/June 2008
Woodyard-Robinson, Deborah, Implementing the PREMIS data dictionary: a
survey of approaches (pdf 56pp), The PREMIS Maintenance Activity/Library of
Congress, 4 June 2007
Guenther, R. and Xie, Z., Implementing PREMIS in Container Formats,
Archiving 2007, Arlington, Virginia, 21-24 May 2007 (pdf 4pp)
Hitchcock, Steve, Tim Brody, Jessie M.N. Hey and Leslie Carr, Preservation
Metadata for Institutional Repositories: applying PREMIS, Preserv project, 25
January 2007
Coyle, Karen, Rights in the PREMIS Data Model (pdf 32pp), Report for the
Library of Congress, December 2006 http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/Rights-in-the-PREMIS-Data-Model.pdf
"a less discovered gem ... While the primary
focus of the report is to discuss the required enhancements to incorporate
digital object rights information into the PREMIS data model, a particular
value of this report is its comprehensive overview of the PREMIS metadata
scheme. For those unfamiliar with PREMIS, this report is a good introduction"
Frank Cervone, Current Cites, June 2007
Knight, Gareth, A minimal preservation metadata element set for the SHERPA
DP Project, v1.3, 07/08/2006
Caplan, Priscilla, Preservation Metadata, DCC Digital Curation Manual, 1 August
Lee, Bronwyn, Gerard Clifton and Somaya
Langley, Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories PREMIS Requirement
Statement Project Report (pdf 59pp), National Library of Australia, July 2006
Lavoie, Brian, and Richard Gartner, Preservation metadata, DPC Technology
Watch Series Report 05-01, September 2005
"comprehensive but highly readable update on
developments in preservation metadata and METS"
PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) Working Group,
Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final Report of the PREMIS Working
Group (May 2005)
"The data dictionary is a translation of the
OAIS-based 2002 Framework into a set of implementable semantic units."
"represents a significant step forward in terms of closing the gap between
theory and practice in preservation metadata, and represents the only
cross-institutional, cross-domain consensus-building activity in this area."
From Lavoie and Gartner (2005)
The authoritative reference, won the 2005
Digital Preservation Award and the 2006 Society of American Archivists
Preservation Publication Award. Superseded by version 2.0.
Guenther, Rebecca, PREMIS - Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies
Update 2: Core Elements for Metadata to Support Digital Preservation, RLG DigiNews, Volume 8, Number 6, Dec.
Caplan, Priscilla, PREMIS - Preservation Metadata - Implementation
Strategies Update 1. Implementing Preservation Repositories for Digital
Materials: Current Practice and Emerging Trends in the Cultural Heritage
Community, RLG DigiNews, Volume 8,
Number 5, Oct. 2004
a summary of
Implementing Preservation Repositories For Digital
Materials: Current Practice And Emerging Trends In The Cultural Heritage
Community, A Report by the PREMIS Working Group, September 2004
results from a survey ... Nearly 50 responses
were received ... institutions included libraries, archives, and museums, among
others. ... respondents were heavily skewed toward US libraries ... responses
underscored a number of issues impacting preservation metadata, including the
extent to which repository architectures are informed by OAIS; the needs of
repository stakeholders; methods for obtaining metadata for archived digital
objects; types of metadata currently used by repositories; the nature and use
of rights management metadata; access mechanisms for archived materials; and
strategies for meeting long-term preservation objectives. From Lavoie
and Gartner (2005)
Day, Michael, Preservation metadata, 11-Dec-2003
also in G. E. Gorman and Daniel G. Dorner (eds.), Metadata applications and management, International
Yearbook of Library and Information Management, 2003-2004, London: Facet
Publishing, 2004
Good narrative (i.e. not especially
technical) review
Day, Michael, Preservation metadata initiatives: practicality,
sustainability, and interoperability, ERPANET
Training Seminar on Metadata in Digital Preservation, Marburg, Germany,
3-5 September 2003 (revised)
Searle, S., and Thompson, D., Preservation metadata : pragmatic first steps
at the National Library of New Zealand. D-Lib
Magazine, 9(4), 2003
Little detail, effectively an overview of
National Library of New Zealand, Metadata Standards Framework –
Preservation Metadata, November 2002 (pdf 42pp)
Contains the detailed element list for the
NLNZ preservation metadata schema 'designed to strike a balance between the
principles of preservation metadata and the practicalities of implementing a
working set of preservation metadata', but should be cross-checked with the
PREMIS Data Dictionary as a later, broader reference
OCLC/RLG Working Group on Preservation Metadata, Preservation Metadata and
the OAIS Information Model: A Metadata Framework to Support the Preservation of
Digital Objects (pdf 54pp), June 2002
"first international consensus-driven
statement on the scope of preservation metadata." From Lavoie and
Gartner (2005)
reviewed by Hans Hoffman, DigiCult Info, Issue 2, October 2002 (pp15-20)
Cedars Guide To Preservation Metadata, March 2002
Preservation Metadata for Digital Objects: A Review of the State of the Art,
A White Paper by the OCLC/RLG Working Group on Preservation Metadata, January
31, 2001
"provided a definition of preservation
metadata, described its role in the digital preservation process, and reviewed
a number of existing preservation metadata initiatives, with an emphasis on
identifying points of convergence and divergence among them." From
Lavoie and Gartner (2005)
Lupovici, Catherine, Julien Masan�s, Metadata for long term-preservation,
Nedlib Consortium, July 2000
National Library of Australia, Preservation Metadata for Digital
Collections, 15 October 1999
Day, M., Metadata for digital preservation: an update, Ariadne, 22
December 1999
Day, Michael, Metadata for Preservation, Cedars Project Document AIW01,
CEDARS, 3 August 1998
RLG Working Group on Preservation Issues of Metadata, Final Report, May 1998
see also
National Library of New Zealand Metadata Extraction Tool Version 1.0
Smith, Joan A. and Michael L. Nelson, CRATE: A Simple Model for
Self-Describing Web Resources (pdf 12pp), 7th International Web Archiving
Workshop (part of ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries), Vancouver,
Canada, 23 June 2007
Proposes a "simple preservation model, a
complex object consisting of undifferentiated metadata and the resource byte
stream" aimed at the "everyday, personal, departmental, or community web site
where a long-term preservation strategy does not yet exist." Compares the
approach with ARC/WARC, VEO, METS, PREMIS and MPEG-21 DID.
Popham, Michael, An investigation of METS as a method of packaging metadata
and data (pdf 6pp), Sherpa-DP project report, 28 April 2006
More specifically on METS for institutional
repositories, includes an "investigation of possible uses of METS to package
e-prints metadata" and an "assessment of METS as a mechanism for transferring
data from DSpace and EPrints repositories"
Bekaert, Jeroen, and Herbert Van de Sompel, Representing Digital Assets
using MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration, ArXiv, Computer Science, cs.DL/0508065,
13 Aug 2005, International Journal on Digital
Libraries, accepted for publication
An alternative to METS?
Metadata and Encoding Transmission Standard: METS and Overview and Tutorial,
Library of Congress, 2004
"METS has the greatest potential for
(organising and linking preservation metadata to its associated content), as it
was designed to implement the OAIS Reference Model's abstract model of an
Information Package." From Lavoie and Gartner (2005)
see also
XML Formatted Data Units (XFDU), an XML packaging standard developed by CCSDS
"METS schema inherited as the basis for this
effort. METS is a very flexible structure that has been developed by the
Digital Library with some attention to the OAIS RM. The metadata and file
association methods are very flexible. However, METS is more of a conceptual
model and the Representation Data mapping is questionable. The proposed XFDU
Data Model should map directly to the OAIS Information Model Classes"
Waibel, G�nter, Like Russian Dolls: Nesting Standards for Digital
Preservation, RLG DigiNews, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 15, 2003
links OAIS, METS and NISO Data
Dictionary—Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images
see also
"Set to be industrial standard, though 'non-free' (companies own IP in various
NISO Z39.87 Metadata for Still Images
http://www.niso.org/committees/committee_au.html and related effort NISO
Metadata for Images in XML (NISO MIX) http://www.loc.gov/standards/mix/
Lewis, Stuart David, and Jon Bell, Using OAI-PMH and METS for exporting
metadata and digital objects between repositories, CADAIR, University of Wales
Aberystwyth Institutional Repository, 2006 (announced 1 August 2006)
also in Program: Electronic Library and
Information Systems, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2006, 268-276
Santhanagopalan, Kamini, Edward A. Fox and Gail McMillan, A Prototype for
Preservation and Harvesting of International ETDs using LOCKSS and OAI-PMH (pdf
36pp), 9th International Symposium on
Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Quebec City, June 7 - 10, 2006
Bekaert, Jeroen, and Herbert Van de Sompel, Access Interfaces for Open
Archival Information Systems based on the OAI-PMH and the OpenURL Framework for
Context-Sensitive Services, Arxiv.org, Computer Science, cs.DL/0509090, 28 Sep
also presented at PV 2005 Conference,
Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical
Data, Edinburgh, November 2005
Bekaert, Jeroen, and Herbert Van de Sompel, A Standards-based Solution for
the Accurate Transfer of Digital Assets, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 11 Number 6, June
offers real solutions to real issues, and has
particular application to Preserv
Van de Sompel, Herbert, Jeroen Bekaert, Xiaoming Liu, Luda Balakireva and
Thorsten Schwander, aDORe: a modular, standards-based Digital Object
Repository, ArXiv, Computer Science, cs.DL/0502028, 4 Feb 2005, to appear in
Computer Journal
Van de Sompel, Herbert, Michael L. Nelson, Carl Lagoze and Simeon Warner,
Resource Harvesting within the OAI-PMH Framework, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 10 Number 12,
December 2004
Current Cites comment December 2004
Day, Michael, Toward Distributed Infrastructures for Digital Preservation:
The Roles of Collaboration and Trust, International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol. 3, No. 1 (2008), announced August 2008
Berman, Fran, Ardys Kozbial, Robert H. McDonald, and Brian E. C.
Schottlaender, The Need to Formalize Trust Relationships in Digital
Repositories, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 3 (May/June 2008),
Moore, Reagan W. and MacKenzie Smith, Automated Validation of Trusted
Digital Repository Assessment Criteria, Journal of Digital Information, Vol 8, No 2
this paper is believed to be based on, or a later version of
Moore, R. W. and Smith, M., Assessment of RLG Trusted Digital Repository
Requirements. Presented at the “Digital Curation & Trusted
Repositories: Seeking Success” Workshop, in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL
2006, Chapel Hill, NC, June 11-15, 2006
Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist
(pdf 94pp) Center for Research Libraries/RLG-OCLC, Version 1.0, February
Revised and expanded version of the RLG-NARA
Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital
Repositories(August 2005, below)
Kaczmarek, Joanne, Patricia Hswe, Janet Eke and Thomas G. Habing, Using the
Audit Checklist for the Certification of a Trusted Digital Repository as a
Framework for Evaluating Repository Software Applications, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 12, December
This ought to be an important paper since it
explores a possible fault line between the concept of a Trusted Digital
Repository and repositories, repository software and services. Frustratingly
inconclusive, which suggests there may be more to emerge from this work
Ross, Seamus, and Andrew McHugh, The Role of Evidence in Establishing Trust
in Repositories, D-Lib Magazine, Vol.
12, No. 7/8, July/August 2006
Dobratz, S., Schoger, A. and Strathmann, S., The nestor Catalogue of
Criteria for Trusted Digital Repository Evaluation and Certification. Presented
at the “Digital Curation & Trusted Repositories: Seeking
Success” Workshop, in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL
2006, Chapel Hill, NC, June 11-15, 2006
Ross, Seamus and Andrew McHugh, Audit and Certification of Digital
Repositories: Creating a Mandate for the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), RLG DigiNews, Volume 9, Number 5, 15 October
Lists a daunting range of requirements for
trusted repsoitories, and reports DCC's plan to become mandated to manage audit
and certification
Rosenthal, David S. H., Thomas Robertson, Tom Lipkis, Vicky Reich and Seth
Morabito, Requirements for Digital Preservation Systems: A Bottom-Up Approach,
D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 11 No. 11,
November 2005
also in ArXiv, Computer Science, cs.DL/0509018, 6 Sep 2005
RLG/NARA, An Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital
Repositories (draft for comment), August 2005
implements a certification procedure that
builds on the RLG-OCLC report from May 2002 (below). All the targets for audit
procedure testing are specialist preservation services
Jantz, Ronald and Michael J. Giarlo, Digital Preservation: Architecture and
Technology for Trusted Digital Libraries, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 11 Number 6, June
Maggie Jones comment, DIGITAL-PRESERVATION
list, 23 June 2005
Trusted Digital Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities, An RLG-OCLC
Report, May 2002
Definitions by RLG and OCLC working
Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access,
Sustaining the Digital Investment: Issues and Challenges of Economically
Sustainable Digital Preservation (pdf 78pp), December 2008
Beagrie, Neil, Najla Semple, Peter Williams, and Richard Wright, Digital
Preservation Policies Study, JISC, 30 October 2008
This study is well written, helpfully
structured, resourceful, and innovative. The main resource provided is in the
appendices, where existing, broader institutional strategy documents concerning
research, learning and teaching, etc., are analysed and extended by the authors
of this study with ways in which DP policy can support and enhance these
Salo blog comment: "I can’t recommend
this report from JISC highly enough. It lays out what needs to appear in an
institutional digital preservation policy, how to pitch it as part of the
institutional mandate, and what examples are worth following. ... excellent."
(4 November 2008)
Dappert, Angela, Bart Ballaux, Michaela Mayr, Sara van Bussel, Report on
policy and strategy models for libraries, archives and data centres (pdf 118
pp), v 0.2, PLANETS project, 24 June 2008
Ayris, P., Davies, R., McLeod, R., Miao, R., Shenton, H. and Wheatley, P.
Lifecycle information for E-literature: an introduction to the second phase of
the LIFE project, UCL Eprints, 23 June, 2008
This is a beautifully produced summary of the
project. For the full project report see http://eprints.ucl.ac.uk/11758/. For repository-related costing examples, see the
documentary evidence provided for the SHERPA DP (http://eprints.ucl.ac.uk/9062/, June 23, 2008) and SHERPA-LEAP (http://eprints.ucl.ac.uk/9032/, June 23, 2008) case studies within the Life 2
Quint, Barbara,OCLC Introduces High-Priced Digital Archive Service, Newsbreaks, May 2, 2008
Not a research paper, but a journalist
investigates the relative costs of storage solutions, one aimed directly at
digital libraries. The OCLC archive service that is the subject here is given a
critical examination in relation to other services, yet it presents a robust
response to tough questions. This reveals the issues that are driving awareness
and takeup of preservation-linked services. See also Chapman (2003)
Beagrie, Neil, Julia Chruszcz, and Brian Lavoie, Keeping Research Data Safe:
A Cost Model and Guidance for UK Universities (pdf 169pp), Charles Beagrie
Limited, Final Report to JISC, April 2008
Principally about research data, and includes
four case studies - Archaeology Data Service, Kings College London (including
what was the AHDS), Cambridge University and Southampton University
(Crystallography and Oceanography) - the last three of which involve the
respective institutional repositories
Wheatley, P., Ayris, P., Davies, R., Mcleod, R. and Shenton, H., The LIFE
Model v1.1. Discussion paper, LIFE project, UCL Eprints, 23 October 2007
Currall, James, Claire Johnson, Peter McKinney, The world is all grown
digital.... How shall a man persuade management what to do in such times? International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol 2, No. 1, June 2007
Hitchcock, Steve, Tim Brody, Jessie M.N. Hey and Leslie Carr, Survey of
repository preservation policy and activity, Preserv project, 9 January 2007
Robertson, R. John, Digital preservation in the Tertiary education sector:
management implications, Strathprints, University of Strathclyde Institutional
Repository, 03 October 2006, also in Library
Review, 55 (3), 173-178
From the summary: "Argues that the long-term
curation and preservation of digital assets produced by further education
colleges should not be the responsibility of those colleges. ... National
memory institutions should strive to establish collaborative curatorial
practices with the FE sector. ... Suggests that the preservation of digital
assets in the FE sector requires a different approach than the HE sector." Not
necessarily! Preserv advocates preservation services for HE.
Hunter, Laurie, Investment in an Intangible Asset, DCC Digital Curation Manual, 31 July 2006
McLeod, Rory, Paul Wheatley, Paul Ayris, and Henry Girling, Lifecycle
Information for E-literature (pdf 11pp), LIFE project, UCL Eprints, 8 May 2006
(report produced for the LIFE conference, London, 20 April 2006)
A rare beast, a highly readable and useful
end-of-project report, beautifully produced
Palm, Jonas, The Digital Black Hole, Training for Audiovisual Preservation
in Europe (TAPE) project, undated (announced 28 Apr 2006)
Presents an analysis of costs for digitizing
and long-term storage at the Riksarkivet (National Archives, RA) in Stockholm.
"Whatever strategy one chooses to
follow, the essential point to consider before undertaking large-scale
digitization is the level of long-term financial commitment that can
realistically be secured and to develop a preservation strategy
Currall, James, and Peter McKinney, Investing in Value: A Perspective on
Digital Preservation, D-Lib Magazine,
Volume 12, Number 4, April 2006
An interesting scorecard-based value
assessment of preservation for various digital materials. Disappointing, from a
Preserv perspective, that this approach is not applied to IRs (although it is
applied to digital theses), given that the authors are at an institution,
University of Glasgow, with one of the first UK IRs
Watson, James, Mapping the landscape, riding a life cycle, The LIFE project
research review, University College London, November 2005
Highly regarded review. Little coverage of
lifecycle analysis to IRs, suggesting this remains a gap in the
Hunter, Laurie, Digital Preservation as an Intangible Asset: An Overview,
Digital Curation Centre Workshop on Cost Models for Preserving Digital Assets,
British Library, London, July 26, 2005
Oltmans, Erik and Nanda Kol, A Comparison Between Migration and Emulation in
Terms of Costs, RLG DigiNews, Volume
9, Number 2, April 15, 2005
Linden, Jim, Sean Martin, Richard Masters, and Roderic Parker, The
large-scale archival storage of digital objects, Digital Preservation
Coalition, Technology Watch Series Report 04-03, February 2005
Smorul, Mike, Joseph JaJa, Yang Wang, and Fritz McCall, PAWN: Producer
– Archive Workflow Network in Support of Digital Preservation, Technical
report, CS-TR-4607 UMIACS-TR-2004-49, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
University of Maryland, 2004
Anon, erpa guidance: Cost Orientation Tool. Erpanet, September 2003
Sanett, S., The Cost to Preserve Authentic Electronic Records in Perpetuity:
Comparing Costs across Cost Models and Cost Frameworks, RLG DigiNews, 7(4), August 15, 2003
Chapman, S., Counting the Costs of Digital
Preservation: Is Repository Storage Affordable? Journal of Digital Information, volume 4
issue 2, May 2003
Lavoie, Brian F., The Incentives to Preserve Digital Materials: Roles,
Scenarios, and Economic Decision-Making, White paper, OCLC Research, April
Russell, Kelly and Ellis Weinberger, Cost elements of digital preservation,
Cedars project, 31 May 2000
see erpaAssessment of this article
Hodge, Gail M., Best Practices for Digital Archiving: An Information Life
Cycle Approach, D-Lib Magazine, Volume
6 Number 1, January 2000
see erpaAssessment for this paper
Ashley, Kevin, Digital Archive Costs: Facts and Fallacies, DLM Forum, September 1999
see erpaAssessment for this paper
Experience-based costing principles, noting
that the few examples of actual costings cannot be extrapolated to more general
cases. Makes the point that costing is not storage or volume-based, but
service-based. Some of the cost considerations - access, user support - are
superseded by IRs
see also espida project http://www.gla.ac.uk/espida/
Kenney, Anne R. and Ellie Buckley, Developing Digital Preservation Programs:
the Cornell Survey of Institutional Readiness, 2003-2005, RLG DigiNews, Volume 9, Number 4, August
see also the PREMIS survey Implementing Preservation Repositories For Digital Materials: Current Practice And Emerging Trends In The Cultural Heritage Community in the Preservation Metadata section above
Pritchard, Sarah M., Larry Carver, and Smiti Anand, Collaboration for
Knowledge Management and Campus Informatics, UCSB, August 23, 2004
UCSB survey with reference to user views on preservation (see section 6)
Warwick Cathro comments in second section, 'The issues and challenges')
Preserving the Outputs of Research, International conference Archiving Web
Resources, Canberra, 9-11 November 2004
Thomas, Sarah E. and Carl A. Kroch, Project Harvest: A Report of the
Planning Grant For the Design of a Subject-Based Electronic Journal Repository,
Presented to The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 1 September 2002
Becker, Christoph, Andreas Rauber, Volker Heydegger, Jan Schnasse, Manfred
Thaller, Generic XML Language for Characterising Objects to Support Digital
Preservation (pdf 5pp), 23rd Annual ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’08), Fortaleza, Cear�, Brazil,
March 16-20, 2008
van der Hoeven, Jeffrey, Bram Lohman, Remco Verdegem, Emulation for Digital
Preservation in Practice: The Results, International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2007
Describes Dioscuri, the 'first modular
emulator for digital preservation'
Thomas, Susan, Fran Baker, Renhart Gittens and Dave Thompson, Cairo tools
survey: a survey of tools applicable to the preparation of digital archives for
ingest into a preservation repository, Version 1.0, Cairo project, 21 May
to be read in conjunction with (by the same authors)
Cairo use cases: a survey of user scenarios applicable to the Cairo ingest
tool, Version 1.0, Cairo project, 21 May 2007
Entlich, Richard and Ellie Buckley, Digging Up Bits of the Past: Hands-on
With Obsolescence, RLG DigiNews,
Volume 10, Number 5, 15 October 2006
Describes Cornell's File Format and Media
Migration Pilot Service, a fascinating project because it deals with real data,
principally with media migration as much as file format migration, which makes
this a specialised preservation service. However, perhaps the most revealing
point is left to the penultimate paragraph: "We believe a superior alternative
is to establish institutional repositories in which faculty are encouraged to
deposit their work."
van Wijk, Caroline, KB and migration (pdf 26pp), National Library of the
Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), Digital Preservation Department, working
document v0.2, 7 August 2006
Useful and practical example of migration.
The last 16 pages illustrate the functional characterisation of a selected
article in the KB's e-Depot preservation store, covering content, structure,
appearance, context and behaviour. "This characterisation can be used as a
framework for migrating objects archived in the e-Depot. It is necessary to
define the essence of the original object to be able to conclude whether a
conversion result is correct. A functional characterisation is possible by
using the five properties"
Ferreira, Miguel, Automatic Evaluation of Migration Quality in Distributed
Networks of Converters, TCDL Bulletin
(IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries), Volume 2, Issue 2, 2006
Rosenthal, David S. H., Thomas Lipkis, Thomas S. Robertson, and Seth
Morabito, Transparent Format Migration of Preserved Web Content,D-Lib Magazine, Volume 11 Number 1, January
McGovern, N., A. Kenney, R. Entlich, W. Kehoe, E. Buckley, Building a
Preservation Risk Management Toolbox for Web Resources, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 10 Number 4, April
on Virtual Remote Control, a tool for
monitoring websites over time - identifying and responding to detected risk as
necessary, with capture as a last resort
Kunze, John A., Towards Electronic Persistence Using ARK Identifiers,
California Digital Library, July 2003 (pdf 9pp)
Lorie, R., The UVC: a method for preserving digtal documents, proof of
concept, IBM/KB Long-Term Preservation Study Report Series No. 4, December
Mellor, P., Wheatley, P. and Sergeant, D., Migration on request, a practical
technique for preservation, in Research and
Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 6th European Conference, ECDL
2002, Rome, September 16–18, 2002, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 2458 (Springer: Berlin / Heidelberg), pp. 516-526
available from White Rose Research Online, 22 Apr 2008 http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/3757/
Comments from DCC blog: (Jul 25, 2007) "You
don't have to constantly migrate your content to current formats to make it
point-and-click available; in fact it may be a disservice to your users to do
so. Migration on request has always seemed to me a sensible approach (I think
it was first demonstrated by Mellor, Wheatley&
Sergeant)" ... (Mar 24, 2008) "but the idea hasn't caught on much."
LeFurgy, William G., Levels of Service for Digital Repositories, D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 8 No. 5, May 2002
Not clear if this is a positive or negative
view of prospects for digital preservation: "The concept of levels of service
reduces my worry." 'Levels of service' refers to what might be done selectively
based on the nature of the material deposited. No very specific or practical
advice, other than to stick to the rules
Hedstrom, Margaret and Clifford Lampe, Emulation vs. Migration: Do Users
Care? RLG DigiNews, Vol. 5 No. 6, 15
December 2001
Granger, S., Digital Preservation and Emulation: from theory to practice,
September 2001
see erpaAssessment of this paper
Wheatley, P., Migration - A CAMiLEON discussion paper,Ariadne, Issue 29, September 2001
Lorie, Raymond, A Project on Preservation of Digital Data, RLG DigiNews, Vol. 5, No. 3 , June 15,
on Universal Virtual Computer, an IBM
emulation system
see erpaAssessment of this
Margaret Byrnes, Assigning Permanence Levels to NLM's Electronic
Publications, 2000 Preservation: An
International Conference on the Preservation and Long Term Accessibility of
Digital Materials, York, England, December 6-8, 2000
Granger, Stewart, Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 6 Number 10, October
Rothenberg, Jeff, Avoiding Technological Quicksand: Finding a Viable
Technical Foundation for Digital Preservation, CLIR Reports, January 1999
on why emulation is the only approach
offering a true solution to the problem of digital preservation
see erpaAssessmet of this paper
Baru, Chaitanya, Reagan Moore, Arcot Rajasekar, Michael Wan, The SDSC
Storage Resource Broker, Proc. CASCON'98 Conference , Nov.30-Dec.3,
1998, Toronto, Canada (.ps)
on Storage Resource Broker
Baker, Mary, Kimberly Keeton, Sean Martin, Why Traditional Storage Systems
Don't Help Us Save Stuff Forever, Proc. 1st IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in
System Dependability (2005), can be found at
Caplan, Priscilla, Repository to Repository Transfer of Enriched Archival
Information Packages, D-Lib Magazine,
Volume 14 Number 11/12, November/December 2008
On a project just launched, Towards Interoperable Preservation Repositories
(TIPR), a collaboration of The Florida Center for Library Automation], the
Cornell University Library and the New York University Libraries, to develop a
proof of concept for the exchange of information between digital preservation
Woods, K., and Geoffrey Brown, Migration Performance for Legacy Data Access,
International Journal of Digital
Curation, Vol 3, No 2 (2008), September 2008
A good practical study. The case for
migration is not wholly convincing, but is qualified: "We convert formats that
are not readily accessed within a web browser - including office documents,
databases and older multimedia - into browser accessible formats including
HTML, PDF and Flash Video. ... Our migration model is migration on
Fischer, Randall, Carol Chou, Franco Lazzarino, Updating DAITSS -
Transitioning to a web service architecture, iPRES 2008 Fifth International
Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, London, 29-30th September
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
Kosovic, Douglas, and Jane Hunter, Implementing Preservation Services over
the Storage Resource Broker, iPRES 2008 Fifth International Conference on
Preservation of Digital Objects, London, 29-30th September 2008
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
Klas, Claus-Peter, Holger Brocks, Lars Muller, and Matthias Hemmje,
Embedding Legacy Environments into A Grid-Based Preservation Infrastructure,
iPRES 2008 Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital
Objects, London, 29-30th September 2008
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
Aitken, Brian, Petra Helwig, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Lindley, Eleonora
Nicchiarelli, Seamus Ross, The Planets Testbed: Science for Digital
Preservation, The Code4Lib Journal,
Issue 3, 2008-06-23
From the abstract: "Until recently digital
preservation has been characterised by practices and processes that could best
be described as more art and craft than science. The Planets Testbed provides a
controlled environment where preservation tools can be tested and evaluated,
and where experiment results can be empirically compared."
Gladney, H. M., Economics and Engineering for Preserving Digital Content,
ERPAePRINTS, 05 December 2007
From the abstract: "Economic and technical
facts suggest that most preservation work should be shifted from repository
institutions to information producers and consumers. The daily tools of both
information producers and information consumers can be extended to embed
preservation packaging without much burdening these users."
Farquhar, Adam, and Helen Hockx-Yu, Planets: Integrated Services for Digital
Preservation, International Journal of
Digital Curation, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2007
Pearson, David, AONS II: continuing the trend towards preservation software
'Nirvana', iPRES 2007, International
Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, Beijing, 11-12 Oct.
Brown, Adrian, Developing Practical Approaches to Active Preservation, International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol 2, No 1, June 2007
Smith, Joan A., Martin Klein and Michael L. Nelson, Repository Replication
Using NNTP and SMTP, ArXiv, Computer Science, cs.DL/0606008, v2, 2 Nov 2006
Investigates "how dissemination of repository
contents can be piggybacked on top of existing email and Usenet traffic.
Long-term persistence of the replicated repository may be achieved thanks to
current policies and procedures which ensure that email messages and news posts
are retrievable for evidentiary and other legal purposes for many years after
the creation date."
Caplan, Priscilla and Chuck Thomas, DAITSS: Another Preservation Option for
Electronic Theses & Dissertations (pdf 4pp), 9th International Symposium on Electronic Theses
and Dissertations, Quebec City, June 7 - 10, 2006
Wollschlaeger, Thomas, ETD's as pilot materials for long-term preservation
efforts in kopal (pdf 8pp), 9th International
Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Quebec City, June 7 -
10, 2006
Hunter, Jane, and Sharmin Choudhury, Semi-Automated Preservation and
Archival of Scientific Data using Semantic Grid Services, Semantic Infrastructure for Grid Computing
Applications Workshop at the International Symposium on Cluster Computing and
the Grid, CCGrid 2005, Cardiff, UK, May 2005
on PANIC (preservation webservice
architecture for newmedia & interactive collections)
Koerbin, Paul, The PANDORA Digital Archiving System (PANDAS): Managing Web
Archiving in Australia: A Case Study, 4th
International Web Archiving Workshop, Bath, UK, 16 September 2004
van Wijngaarden, Hilde, and Erik Oltmans, Digital Preservation and Permanent
Access: The UVC for Images, Proceedings of the Imaging Science &
Technology Archiving Conference, San Antonio, USA, April 2004
on using the Universal Virtual Computer (UVC)
for images, within the Koninklijke Bibliotheek's (KB) e-Depot, based on the IBM
product DIAS (Digital Information and Archiving System)
Moore, Reagan, Chaitan Baru, Arcot Rajasekar, Bertram Ludaescher, Richard
Marciano, Michael Wan, Wayne Schroeder, and Amarnath Gupta, Collection-Based
Persistent Digital Archives - Part 1, D-Lib
Magazine, Volume 6 Number 3, March 2000
see also
ADAPT: An Approach to Digital Archiving and Preservation Technology, 2004
main components are: Layered Archive
Infrastructure, Producer - Archive Workflow Network (PAWN), Management of
Preservation Processes (MPP), and Consumer - Archive Network (CAN)
van der Werf, Titia, The Deposit System for Electronic Publications: A
Process Model, NEDLIB Report Series No. 6, November 2000 (pdf 62pp)
Feenstra, Bendert, Standards for the Implementation of a Deposit System for
Electronic Publications, NEDLIB Report Series No. 4, September 2000 (pdf
see also various distributed persistent storage architectures, e.g.
OceanStore http://oceanstore.cs.berkeley.edu/
SRB work on data grids http://www.sdsc.edu/srb/Pappres/Pappres.html
Durrant, Sarah, Long-term Preservation: Results from a survey investigating
preservation strategies amongst ALPSP publisher members (pdf 16pp), ALPSP, 2008
(announced October)
Another bland survey hewn from the same rock
as the Portico/Ithaka Survey of U.S. Library
Beagrie blog comment: "interesting reading and overall is a very worthwhile
report" (13 October 2008)
Rusbridge, A. and Ross, S., Establishing a community-based approach to
electronic journal archiving: the UK LOCKSS Pilot Programme, iPRES 2008
Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, London,
29-30th September 2008
in http://www.bl.uk/ipres2008/ipres2008-proceedings.pdf
also in Glasgow ePRINTS Service, 15 October 2008 http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/4635/
Dappert, Angela, and Markus Enders, Using METS, PREMIS and MODS for
Archiving eJournals, D-Lib Magazine,
Vol. 14 No. 9/10, September/October 2008
Anon, Digital preservation of e-journals in 2008: Urgent Action revisited.
Results from a Portico/Ithaka Survey of U.S. Library Directors, Portico,
undated (announced June 2008) (pdf 10pp)
Attitude survey that might instead have
looked at requirements, costs and solutions in the marketplace
Morrow, Terry, Neil Beagrie, Maggie Jones and Julia Chruszcz, A Comparative
Study of e-Journal Archiving Solutions (pdf 41pp), JISC Collections, Final
Report - May 2008
Dalton, Pete, and Angela Conyers, Evaluation of the JISC UK LOCKSS Pilot,
JISC report, May 2008 (pdf 47pp)
Galyani Moghaddam, Golnessa, Preserve Scientific Electronic Journals: A
Study of Archiving Initiatives, E-LIS, 06 April 2008, in The Electronic
Library 26(1),83-96
Choudhury, Sayeed, Tim DiLauro, Alex Szalay, Ethan Vishniac, Robert J.
Hanisch, Julie Steffen, Robert Milkey, Teresa Ehling, Ray Plante, Digital Data
Preservation for Scholarly Publications in Astronomy, International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2007
Rusbridge, Adam, Seamus Ross, The UK LOCKSS Pilot Programme: A Perspective
from the LOCKSS Technical Support Service, International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2007
Wheatley, Paul, and Rory McLeod, Preservation Plan for ejournals, v0.8,
British Library Digital Preservation Team, 19/6/07
Effectively a format-focussed case study of
the 'seamless flow' approach to digital preservation, involving format
characterisation, preservation planning and preservation action. Concerned with
e-journals, the particular formats studied are NLM DTD XML and PDF.
CLOCKSS – the communities’ archive: Early Lessons and
Accomplishments, 5 May 2007
Not many 'lessons', more a statement of
progress and intent from the CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) Board
Oltmans, Erik and van Wijngaarden, Hilde, The KB e-Depot digital archiving
policy, E-LIS, 24 March 2007. Also in Library Hi Tech, 24(4),
Hockx-Yu, Helen, Establishing a UK LOCKSS Pilot Programme. E-LIS, 06 October
Kenney, Anne R., Richard Entlich, Peter B. Hirtle, Nancy Y. McGovern, and
Ellie L. Buckley, E-Journal Archiving Metes and Bounds: A Survey of the
Landscape (pdf 120pp), Council on Library and Information Resources, pub 138,
September, 2006
see also these reviews
Smith, Kathlin, Institutional Repositories and E-Journal Archiving: What Are We
Learning? Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 1, Winter
Jones, Maggie, E-Journal Archiving: Review and Analysis of the CLIR Report
E-Journal Archiving Metes and Bounds: A Survey of the Landscape, JISC, 16th
February 2007
Fenton, Eileen, Preserving Electronic Scholarly Journals: Portico, Ariadne, Issue 47, 30-April-2006
Kenney, Anne R., Surveying the E-Journal Preservation Landscape, ARL Bimonthly Report, No. 245, April 2006
Describes an ongoing survey of archiving
initiatives, with a final report expected in August. "This relatively brief
article will introduce you to some digital archiving initiatives you may not
have heard of." (C&I comment, p20)
Machovec, George, E-journal Archives and Preservation: An Executive
Overview, The Charleston Advisor, Vol.
7, No. 4, April 2006, 51-55
Anon, Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD (v2.0), NCBI, December 30,
Steenbakkers, Johan F., Treasuring the Digital Records of Science: Archiving
E-Journals at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, RLG DigiNews, Vol. 8, No. 2,
April 15, 2004
Ockerbloom, John Mark, Report On A Mellon-Funded Planning Project For
Archiving Scholarly Journals, 16 September 2002 (updated December 10, 2003)
Jones, Maggie, Archiving E-journals Consultancy, JISC document, final
report, October 2003
Steenbakkers, Johan, Permanent Archiving of Electronic Publications:
Research & Practice, International Summer School on the Digital Library
2003 Course 3: Libraries, Electronic Resources, and Electronic Publishing,
August 2003
Baudoin, Patsy, and MacKenzie Smith, DEJA: A Year in Review, Report on the
Planning Year Grant For the Design of a Dynamic E-journal Archive, Report to
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 30 May 2002
Flecker, Dale, Preserving Digital Periodicals, in Building a National Strategy for Preservation:
Issues in Digital Media Archiving, Council on Library and Information
Resources, pub106, April 2002
Harvard University Library Mellon Project Steering Committee and Project
Technical Team, Report on the Planning Year Grant For the Design of an
E-journal Archive, Report to The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 1 April 2002
includes 'trigger events'
see also
Harvard E-journal Archive SIP format http://www.diglib.org/preserve/harvardsip10.pdf
Yale University Library and Elsevier Science, YEA: The Yale Electronic
Archive, One Year of Progress, Report on the Digital Preservation Planning
Project, Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, February 2002
includes 'trigger events'
Reich, Vicky, and David S. H. Rosenthal, LOCKSS: A Permanent Web Publishing
and Access System, D-Lib Magazine,
Vol. 7 No. 6, June 2001
Various, International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital
Preservation (pdf 214pp), The Library of Congress National Digital Information
Infrastructure and Preservation Program, The Joint Information Systems
Committee, The Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project, The SURFfoundation,
July 2008
Muir, Adrienne, Preservation, Access and Intellectual Property Rights
Challenges for Libraries in the Digital Environment (pdf 11pp), Instutute for
Public Policy Research, 05 June 2006
Ayre, C. and Muir, A., Right to preserve? Copyright and licensing for
digital preservation project: final report, March 2004, in Loughborough
University Institutional Repository, deposited 2005-08-10
Muir, Adrienne, Copyright and licensing for digital preservation, Update, June 2003
Charlesworth, Andrew, Legal issues relating to the archiving of Internet
resources in the UK, EU, USA and Australia, JISC and Wellcome Trust feasibility
study, 25 February 2003
Covers 'open access' projects such as
Internet Archive and Library of Congress project Minerva, noting that the LoC
assumed it was reasonable to download open access materials for preservation
but did not have explicit legal right to do so. The study does not refer to
Creative Commons (launched 2001; first licences Dec. 2002), which might be
another means of authors expressing rights for download and preservation,
although it is not immediately compatible with author-publisher agreements for
open access publications
Various, POWR The Preservation of Web Resources Handbook, Digital
preservation for the UK HE/FE web management community, JISC/UKOLN/ULCC (pdf
104pp), 9 December 2008
Nicely and confidently presented
Moore, Reagan, Towards a Theory of Digital Preservation, International Journal of Digital Curation,
Vol. 3, No. 1 (2008), announced August 2008
Striking breadth of thinking, converging on
Pennock, Maureen, JISC Programme Synthesis Study: Supporting Digital
Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions: A Review of the 4-04
Programme on Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions for the
JISC Information Environment: Part II: Programme Synthesis (pdf 86pp), UKOLN,
Bath, January 2008
Holdsworth, David, Preservation Strategies for Digital Libraries, instalment
of DCC, Digital Curation Manual,
Version 1.0, October 2007
Hoorens, Stijn, Jeff Rothenberg, Constantijn van Orange, Martijn van der
Mandele and Ruth Levitt, Addressing the uncertain future of preserving the
past: Towards a robust strategy for digital archiving and preservation, RAND
Europe, 2007 (available November 6, 2007)
Analyses the Koninklijke Bibliotheek’s
e-Depot strategy "in the context of wider developments in the archiving and
publishing environment"
Comment from Caveat Lector blog, 13
November 2007: "researched and written by smart people who know this field and
understand all the angles. I would happily use it in a classroom, and
that’s high commendation—a lot of these report things don’t
make any sense to someone who doesn’t already have the background."
Response of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National library of the
Netherlands, reaffirms its support for the findings and recommendarions in the
report http://www.kb.nl/hrd/dd/dd_rand/rand_report_response-en.html
Bearman, David, Addressing selection and digital preservation as systemic problems, in Preserving the Digital Heritage: Principles and Policies, Yola de Lusenet and Vincent Wintermans (eds), Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO, and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands), 2007 (announced 6 August) http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/publ/pdf/6190.pdf
McGovern, Nancy Y., A Digital Decade: Where Have We Been and Where Are We
Going in Digital Preservation? RLG
DigiNews, Vol. 11, No. 1, April 15, 2007
"a remarkably clear assessment of
developments in the digital preservation community over the past ten years",
comment by Brian Rosenblum in Current Cites, April 2007
Gladney, H.M., Digital Preservation in a National Context: Questions and
Views of an Outsider, D-Lib Magazine,
Vol. 13, No. 1/2, January/February 2007
Quite scathing about the approach and
progress of the US-based National Digital Information Infrastructure
Preservation Program (NDIIPP). Instead advocates an alternative software
engineering and tools based approach: "if document representations and network
protocols are standardized, then each archive can autonomously adapt itself to
its own institutional environment."
Michael Peterson, Gary Zasma, Peter Mojica and Jeff Porter, 100 Year Archive
Requirements Survey (pdf 66pp), Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA),
Data Management Forum, January 2007
Another scary and lengthy survey report, but
beautifully presented so easy to identify the information of interest. Free
registration required.
Stevenson, Jane, Jorum Preservation Watch Report, Jorum project report, 24
July 2006 (pdf 66pp)
Verheul, Ingeborg, Networking for Digital Preservation: Current Practice in
15 National Libraries, IFLA Publications, 119, 2006 (M�nchen: Saur) (pdf
Thomaz, Katia P., Critical Factors for Digital Records Preservation, Journal of Information, Information Technology, and
Organizations, Volume 1, 2006, 21-41
A study in Brazil based on a mix of case
studies, grounded theory, interviews, documents analysis, focus groups and peer
reviews, within four participating companies involved in technology change,
identified 160 digital preservation factors. An interesting and original
evaluation, but a dated literature survey and some of the selected issues cast
doubt on current relevance
Rusbridge, Chris, Excuse Me … Some Digital Preservation Fallacies,
Ariadne, issue 46, February 2006
Thought-provoking. States a series of propositions concerning preservation, and
ends up by restating them. Does this suggest we don't have 'solutions' for
digital preservation because the preservation problem isn't clearly
Stevenson, Jane, Preservation Watch Report, JORUM Project report to JISC,
V1.0, November 2005 (pdf 73pp)
Approaches digital preservation from a fresh
perspective, and is a good, extensive report for those similarly exploring
preservation anew
(Greer, Chris) Digital Data Collections: Enabling: Research and Education in
the 21st Century, National Science Board May 26, 2005
Gladney, H M, Principles for Digital Preservation, ERPAePRINTS,
November 11, 2004
Lavoie, Brian and Lorcan Dempsey, Thirteen Ways of Looking at ... Digital
Preservation, D-Lib Magazine, Volume
10 Number 7/8, July/August 2004
Current Cites comment, July 2004
Lynch, Clifford, Preserving Digital Documents: Choices, Approaches, and
Standards, Law Library Journal, 96, No. 4 (2004)
"there has been some useful work done on
metadata standards for preservation, although that work is not highly advanced.
Part of the problem is that a lot of the work on preservation metadata has
given rise to organizational guidance, the kinds of things you should think
about as you attach metadata to objects when you want to preserve them, rather
than hard specifics that would be more typical in interchange format, because
preservation metadata today is seldom shared across organizations."
* Since this talk was given there has been a
great deal of progress in relevant areas here. I would point the interested
reader at the work on METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard), the
PREMIS group which is dealing with provenance-related metadata, and the NISO
Still Image Technical Metadata draft standard and its representation in XML
called MIX.
Hodge, Gail and Evelyn Frangakis, Digital Preservation and Permanent Access
to Scientific Information: The State of the Practice (pdf 92 pp) (free
registration required) International Council for Scientific and Technical
Information (ICSTI) and CENDI (U.S. Federal Information Managers Group),
February 2004, updated April 7, 2004
(pdf version: http://www.icsti.org/digitalarchiving/getstudy.php)
Section 4.4.2 to Institutional Repositories
update to Hodge, Gail and Bonnie C. Carroll, Digital Electronic Archiving: The
State of the Art and Practice, ICSTI/CENDI, 26 April 1999
Digital Preservation Management: Implementing Short-Term Strategies for
Long-Term Problems, Cornell University, September 2003
Smith, Abby, Digital Preservation: An Individual Responsibility for Communal
Scholarship, Educause Review, Volume
38, Number 3, May/June 2003
Smith, Abby, New-Model Scholarship: How Will It Survive? Council on Library
and Information Resources, pub114, March 2003
Lord, Philip, and Alison Macdonald, e-Science Curation Report Data curation
for e-Science in the UK: an audit to establish requirements for future curation
and provision, JISC , 2003
Beagrie, Neil, National Digital Preservation Initiatives: An Overview of
Developments in Australia, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom and
of Related International Activity, Council on Library and Information Resources
and the Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 2003
Hedstrom, M., Ross, S., et al., Invest to save: report and recommendations
of the NSF-DELOS Working Group on Digital Archiving and Preservation, 2003
"Identified some key requirements" (Day
Various, The State of Digital Preservation: An International Perspective,
Council on Library and Information Resources, pub107, 7/02
Waters, Donald, Good Archives Make Good Scholars: Reflections on Recent Steps
Toward the Archiving of Digital Information
Digital Preservation Coalition (Neil Beagrie & Maggie Jones), Preservation Management of Digital Materials; A
Handbook (British Library, in print, October 2001), online edition
version 1.0, May 2002, continually updated
It's About Time: Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term
Preservation, Library of Congress, April 12-13, 2002 (pdf size: 15.9MB)
"If you're involved with digital library
research or -- god help you -- in digital preservation itself, this report is
essential reading. The rest of us can probably skip it" Roy Tennant, Current
Cites, Dec 2003
"Identified some key requirements" (Day
Kyong-Ho Lee, Oliver Slattery, Richang Lu, Xiao Tang, and Victor McCrary,
The State of the Art and Practice in Digital Preservation, Journal of Research
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Volume 107, Number 1,
January–February 2002 (pdf 14pp)
includes a review of projects from the
Wiggins, Richard, Digital Preservation: Paradox & Promise, Library
Journal NetConnect, Spring, 2001
Day, Michael, Preservation of electronic information: a bibliography, last
updated 2000
Kahle, B., Archiving the Internet, Scientific American, March 1997
copy at: http://www2.uibk.ac.at/voeb/texte/kahle.html
Various, Preserving Digital Information, Report of the Task Force on
Archiving of Digital Information, Commission on Preservation and Access and
Research Libraries Group, May 1, 1996 (pdf 71pp)
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